Listado de Reseñas

Aquí encontrarán el listado de reseñas ordenadas por artista publicadas en este blog.

Bienvenidos a "El Rincón del Metal Sinfónico"

--- A ----

After Forever - Decipher

Amberian Dawn - Looking For You

Anna Fiori - Magna Mater

Anna Fiori - In Ohtli Tonalli

Anette Olzon - Strong

Avantasia - A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society

Auri - Auri

--- B ---

Björk - Post

Björk - Homogenic

Bon Jovi - Lost Highway

Blackbriar - The Cause of Shipwreck

Blackbriar - A Dark Euphony

--- C ---

Charlotte Wessels - Tales from the Six Feet Under

--- D --- 

Dark Sarah - The Golden Moth

Dark Sarah - Attack of Orym

Delain - Dark Waters

Delain - The Human Contradiction

Deep Sun - Dreamland (Behind the Shades)

Diabulus in Musica - Argia

Diabulus in Musica - Dirge For the Archons

Diabulus in Musica - Euphonic Entropy

Dianne Van Giersbergen - After the Storm (Single)

Dianne Van Giersbergen - A Symphonic Tragedy

Doro - Conqueress, Forever Strong and Proud

--- E ---

Edenbridge - Shangri-La


Enemy of Reality - Arakhne

Escapist - The Maze

Ex Libris - Ann (A Progressive Metal Trilogy)

Evanescence - The Bitter Truth

Evanescence - The Open Door

Exit Eden - Rhapsodies in Black

Exit Eden - Femmes Fatales

Enríquez, Mariana - Nuestra parte de noche

--- F ---

Ferrante, Elena - La amiga estupenda

Floor Jansen - Paragon

--- G ---

Garbage - Garbage

Garbage - Version 2.0

---H ---

Halsey - If I Can't Have Love, I Want the Power

Haggard - Eppur si muove

Hole - Celebrity Skin

--- I ---

Ignea - The Sign of Faith

Ignea - Dreams of Lands Unseen

Imperia - The Last Horizon


--- K ---

--- L ---

Lacuna Coil - Comalies

Lacuna Coil - Dark Adrenaline

Lacuna Coil - Karmacode

Leaves' Eyes - Vinland Saga

Leaves' Eyes - Meredead

Leaves' Eyes - King of Kings

Leaves' Eyes - Myths of Fate

Liv Kristine - Libertine

Liv Kristine - Vervain

Liv Kristine - River of Diamonds

Lorde - Melodrama

Lunarian - Burn the Beauty

--- M ---

Madonna - Ray of Light

--- N ---

Nightwish - Dark Passion Play

Nightwish - Human Nature

Nightwish - Once

--- O ---

Oasis - Definitely Maybe

Outlanders (Tarja y Torsten Stenzel)

--- P ---

PJ Harvey - Rid of Me

PJ Harvey -Is this Desire?

PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love

PJ Harvey - Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea

Pérez-Reverte, Arturo- El italiano

Pérez-Reverte, Arturo - El Pintor de Batallas

Pérez-Reverte, Arturo - Territorio Comanche

--- R ---

--- S ---

Seven Spires - Emerald Seas

Seven Spires - Gods of Debauchery

Scardust - Strangers

Snow White Blood - Hope Springs Eternal

Sirenia - Riddles, Ruins & Revelations

Sirenia - Perils of a Deep Blue

Sirenia - 1977

Slaverty - Beyond Imagination

Soda Stereo - Canción Animal

--- T ---

Tarja - What Lies Beneath

The Cranberries - No Need to Argue

 Theatre of Tragedy - Aégis

Therion - Lemuria

Therion - Sirius B

Therion - Leviathan III

The Dark Element - Songs the Night Sings

The Gathering - Mandylion

The Gathering - Nighttime Birds

The Loudest Silence - Aesthetic Ilussion

The Loudest Silence - The Core

Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes

Tori Amos - Under the Pink

Tori Amos- To Venus and Back

Tori Amos - Ocean to Ocean

Tori Amos -Boys For Pele

Tori Amos - Scarlet's Walk

Tori Amos - Top 10 Mejores Discos


Ugrešić, Dubravka - El Ministerio del Dolor

--- V ---

Visions of Atlantis - Pirates

--- X ---

Xandria - Neverworld´s End

Xandria - Ravenheart

Xandria - The Wonders Still Awaiting

--- W ---

Within Temptation - Resist

Within Temptation - Wireless (EP)

Within Temptation - Bleed Out

Within Temptation - The Unforgiving

Whyzdom - Of Wonders and Wars

Listado de artículos


Homenaje a Dubravka Ugrešić

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55 preguntas sobre libros


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15 canciones de Nightwish (era Tarja)

Porqué empecé a reseñar discos y otras preguntas frecuentes

Artículos sobre vocalistas 

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Mis 10 vocalistas preferidas del metal sinfónico...Parte 1

Mis 10 vocalistas preferidas del metal sinfónico.... Parte 2

Menciones notables... Vocalistas que no entraron en el Top 10

Vocalistas Emergentes Parte 1

Vocalistas Emergentes Parte 2


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